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Clases online de Inglés

Practice for a Job interview and Improve your English skills

Para alumnos de:

E.S.O., Bachillerato, Universidad, Adultos


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16 €/h Primera clase gratis

Get ready for your job interview: regular interviews, extreme interviews, or even if you are a teacher and would like to work at Montessori School. 100% of success !!!
Specific questions and info about any type of Job interview! do not hesitate to ask me!

My classes are more than classes. We talk, but we also laugh and get serious sometimes. I strongly believe that speaking about real-life issues is the best way to use and learn vocabulary.
you can improve your speaking and listening skills by working on your reading and writing skills. After many years of listening to several students complaining about being unable to speak about specific topics in English, I realized that the main problem was the lack of reading... Therefore, my challenge is to make my student get into the habit of reading in order to learn vocab and improve their speaking and other skills.

Updating courses I have done:
Teaching English through literature, British Council, 2023
TeachingEnglish: Planning lessons, British Council, 2023
Teaching English in the multilingual classroom, British Council, 2023
Digital humanities: humanities research in the digital age, OpenLearn, 2023.
How to Teach Speaking, British Council, 2023.
Online Skills for Remote Teaching, British Council, 2023.
Accessible digital materials, 2022, UNED
Understanding Research Methods, University of London-Coursera, 2022.
Gender in Language Education, British Council, 2022.
TRADILEX: Audiovisual translation and language learning(Audio Visual Translation), UNED, 2021.
Tools for the Elaboration and Writing of Academic Papers (5th edition), UNED Cantabria, 2021.
English language learning through songs and literary texts, UNED, 2021.
FDCD. Information and Literacy. Storage and retrieval of information, data, and digital content (BASIC level), 2021.
Legal English for law-related and language-related professions, UNED, 2020.
Academic written English: comprehension and production of scientific articles, UNED, 2021.
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