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Clases online de Inglés

Aprender inglés cómo una persona nativa ha aprendido inglés de los EEUU con input comprehensible (CI)!




20 €/h Primera clase gratis

Hi! I'm Nathan! (any pronoun). I'm non-binary & LGTBQ+ affirming 🏳️‍🌈. I grew up in the USA but from 2016 - 2022 I lived in Busan, South Korea and now live in Badajoz, Spain. I enjoy singing in choir, meditation, yoga, video games, fantasy books, being out in nature and spending time with friends.

I have 8 years' experience teaching English. I also have experience teaching Spanish, German & Korean online using TPRS.

Currently, I am teaching English using Comprehensible Input (CI) to give students the opportunity to acquire English like they acquired their native language(s).

CI uses drawing, gestures, repetition and level-appropriate topics to let the brain do what it does best which is acquire language easily and enjoyably!

**There is NO memorization, NO writing or reading, NO grammar study, NO trying to repeat.**

You simply interact with me by answering questions in whatever way is comfortable for you: drawing, body language, short answers, and/or your native language!
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