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Clases online de Inglés

Boost Your Career Prospects and Communication Abilities with English Writing and Speaking Classes

Para alumnos de:

E.S.O., Bachillerato, Universidad, Adultos, Empresas


Todos los niveles




20 €/h Primera clase gratis

Do you struggle with writing professional emails, reports, or essays in English? Or perhaps you want to improve your Speaking skills to feel more confident and fluent in conversations with native speakers? Look no further than my English Writing and Speaking classes.

As an experienced English teacher, I specialize in teaching Writing and Speaking skills, including how to write formal, semiformal and informal emails, professional reports, and essays. I provide step-by-step guidance on how to structure your writing, use appropriate vocabulary, and avoid common errors. By mastering these skills, you can improve your job prospects, communicate more effectively with colleagues, and achieve your academic goals.

In addition to Writing skills, I offer free discussion classes that are designed to improve your fluency, boost your grammar, and expand your vocabulary. During these classes, you will have the opportunity to practice speaking with a native English speaker and receive feedback on your language use. These classes are ideal for anyone who wants to improve their spoken English for personal or professional reasons.

My classes are tailored to meet your individual needs and goals. Whether you want to improve your Writing, Speaking, or both, I am here to guide and support you every step of the way. So why wait? Sign up for my English Writing and Speaking classes today and take your language skills to the next level.
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Seyed Mahyad

Seyed Mahyad


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    • Todos sus datos están verificados (dirección de correo electrónico, teléfono de contacto, ubicación y referencias) y experiencia demostrable como profesor.
    • Además, dispone de un número muy elevado de valoraciones positivas y responde a los alumnos interesados rápidamente.
    • Los profesores con este sello han conseguido el más alto nivel entre nuestros Profesores Verificados, llevan años impartiendo clase y su trayectoria es impecable.
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