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Clases online de Ruso

Native Russian speaker conducts individual and group classes in the Russian language online (in Russian)

Para alumnos de:

Bachillerato, Universidad, Adultos, Empresas


Todos los niveles




17 €/h Primera clase gratis

Привет! I'm a certified teacher of Russian as a foreign language! For the past year I have been conducting intensive individual and group classes on an interactive platform! What does intensive mean? This means that you will have language practice every day! Yes-yes, every day! 2\3 times a week (depending on the tariff) we will meet in class, and on the other days, you'll have interesting tasks on all aspects of the language. In addition, every month there is one of the challenges: speaking, listening, reading, writing. One language level can be mastered in just 4 months. Let me tell you a little about the classes themselves :) On them, we'll fully immerse ourselves in the language environment. How? It's simple! The training will be conducted in Russian. Don't worry if you don't understand something, I'll explain it to you with drawings, diagrams, on your fingers :) and at least in English.

If this training format suits you or you wanna learn more details, go to my website, I'll be glad to see you there: you can write to me here)
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