Anthony I

Opiniones de Anthony I

Anthony I



14 recomendaciones

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Anthony is ultimately the best english teacher I have ever had. His classes were not like the typical ones, boring and repetitive. His classes were outstanding, I had a lot of fun and I learnt a lot with his different techniques. He helped me pass an exam which I only had less than 2 months two prepare and that a lot of other english teachers told me that I would not pass it. Finally, I pass the exam thanks to him and I also learnt much more with him than what I had learnt in the previous years.

Laura E

Anthony is a great teacher, has a lot of techniques and studying material that will help you achieve thw score you need

Vera Garcia Morant

Mi primera clase ha ido genial, he aprendido muchísimo! Anthony es un profesor fantástico y no dudaré en hacer otra clase con él.


Anthony is a great and experienced English tutor. He uses a lot of lively examples in class which made learning and conversation practices very interesting. He's also very patient in correcting my choice of words and pronunciation. I highly recommend him for any serious English learner!


Anthony est à l'écoute et sait mettre à l'aise. Vous remarquerez vite une progression dans votre prononciation et surtout sans trop de difficulté avec des cours intéressants. Anthony can make yourself comfortable. You'll see a quick improvement with his pleasant and interesting classes


Anthony is a really skilled and professional teacher! Whoever takes his class will find him a really nice mentor and friend. I have taken his immersive language learning classes. He helped tailor my English classes that can best suit my learning objectives and pace. Every class he is fully prepared and we always have multiple engaging activities. My English improved a lot all roundly. And when I felt down, Anthony could always fuel me with confidence and energy! So I strongly recommend Anthony to you!


Very good teacher! I am learning Business English for my job. I recommend him as a teacher! Thanks a lot, Anthony :)


Hola! Soy Yuri Belan y tengo 54 años. Soy ruso y vivo en Rusia. Llevo estudiando inglés con Anthony durante dos años. Anthony es una persona muy profesional, metódica y estricta, pero con buen humor. Tiene muchos trucos modernos y efectivos. Te recomiendo que tomes las clases con él. ????????????! ? ???? ????? ? ??? 54 ????. ? ??????? ? ? ???? ? ??????. ? ?????? ?????????? ? ?????? ? ??????? ???? ???. ?????? ????? ???????????????? ? ?????????? ???????, ?? ? ??????? ??????? ?????.? ???? ????? ????? ??????? ????????. ? ?????????? ??? ????? ????? ? ???.


Anthony is the best english professor that I ever had. I started to learn english when I was 15, but now I am 29 and i can assure that Anthony taught me things that none professor taught before. He has a really great dinamic way to teach and the class is super excited. He is helping me to get my score in toefl. In one month I increased 14 points (from 70 to 84 points).


I'm so happy I met Anhony! I can see a progress I've made since we started our lessons. I was scared to talk to anyone in English and now I'm not, thank you!


En una palabra ¡GENIAL! te lo pasas super bien, hace las clases amenas y te ries mucho, lo cual es fundamental para aprender un idioma porque de esta manera te siente seguro de ti mism@ y aunque no hables bien te lanzas a intentarlo. Te da material de lectura y te incentiva todos los dias a aprender más y más. Y sin darte cuenta: aprendes el idioma !! Recomiendo muchisimo sus clases, y si os parece elevado el precio vale MUCHO la pena invertir en él. lo recomiendo 1.000% XD


He is the best teacher that you’ve ever see! I have been learning English with Tony for over a year, he is so nice and interesting. We’ve been talking about sports, politics, food and so on. What’ more, he really helped me with my confidence. Now I enjoy talking in front of my classmates, and I do appreciate that I met Tony one year ago.


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Anthony is an exceptional teacher, very professional and competent. He knows how to create the correct learning path based on your needs and he is able to make lessons pleasant, interesting and stimulating. I have been studying with him for two years and my level of English has grown a lot!

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Anthony I

Anthony I
45 Años·Profesor con más de 10 años de experiencia
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