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Clases de Inglés

en Barcelona Capital, Sant Adrià De Besòs, Santa... (Barcelona)

Inglés con profesora británica - experta en profesionales

Para alumnos de:

Todos los niveles


Todos los niveles


Presenciales (en casa del profesor), a domicilio, en empresas


25 €/h Primera clase gratis

Need English for your job? Responsible for delivering presentations or creating content in English?

If you’re looking to push your language skills to the next level then you need a teacher who knows the ropes!

I'm Claire, a native language professional from Manchester, UK, with almost 10 years experience working with clients in English coaching, I am fully equipped to push you in the areas you need help most. For example, if you have to negotiate, what’s the best language to use? How do you build relationships with clients? How do you learn a range of alternative ways to communicate so you don’t repeat the same phrases over and over again? Practice with a professional, it’s the only way to reach your true potential.

With a wide range of industry exposure, I will enable you to use vocabulary related to your field confidently. Current and previous students range from clinical psychologists to YouTube content creators, from accountants to production engineers. My job is to give you the tools to communicate like a native, even if it’s small talk with colleagues or conversations with friends.

My specialism as a speech and fluency coach allows me to assist you with the rhythm and stress of the English language, which naturally improves your pronunciation. Correction is key!

So what are you waiting for?

Arrange a free trial class so we can establish your real needs, and create a plan together that works for you.

Registered self-employed - can provide invoice.

Individual prices:

Face-to-face - €30/h
Online - €25/h

Group prices:

Face-to-face - €40/h
Online - €35/h

Trial class free of charge, it won’t cost you a thing to check out my method.

Drop me a message to check availability, I'm looking forward to hearing from you and getting started!
Contacta sin compromiso



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Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo
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