Irini Tsalkitzidou
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Irini Tsalkitzidou

Clases de Musicoterapia

en Barcelona Capital (Barcelona)

Economy classes for kids or adults

Para alumnos de:

Niños hasta 12 años, Jóvenes de 12 a 18 años


Todos los niveles


6 €/h Primera clase gratis

Hello :)
My name is Irini Tsalkitzidou. I am a graduate music therapist and offer session of music therapy involving with art therapy ( drama and dance therapy).
I support its holistic development of person and my practices help develop both cognitive and emotional intelligence. I love children, their spontaneity and truth surrounds and I seek based on their particularities, to employ them creatively and to experience a climate of safety and self-development.
I envision and aim to create an environment that will provide
real education always according to the developmental phase of the children, the particularities everyone and their needs. Music, and in general art gives strength the child to believe in his powers and to acquire alternative thinking for the solution
problems. Their imagination is activated, they are entertained, they improvise and
they express themselves by letting us (coordinators-educators) observe their inclinations,
giving them extra food accordingly.
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Irini Tsalkitzidou

Irini Tsalkitzidou

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