Carlos Solano Vázquez

Blog de Carlos Solano Vázquez

Carlos Solano Vázquez

1 artículo publicado


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Lista de adjetivos de nivel avanzado para evitar el uso de "muy"

Find here a list of adjectives to avoid the use of the word "very". Note that some of them are quite advanced and formal in register, so they might not be very frequently used in daily conversation. AVery accurate —> ExactVery afraid —> FearfulVery angry —> FuriousBVery bad —> AwfulVery beautiful —> GorgeousVery big —> MassiveVery boring —> DullVery bright —> LuminousVery busy —> SwampedCVery calm —> SereneVery care...

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Carlos Solano Vázquez
Carlos Solano Vázquez (7) Córdoba Capital (Córdoba)
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