Flory Inglés Rojo

Flory Inglés Rojo


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Is there a term to call : uncle + aunt? and nephew + niece?
Judit | Clases de Inglés
Hi Judith, No, there is not a term for that. There is 'siblings' for brother and sister but there is not any for uncle and aunt or niece and nephew. You can say 'relatives'.
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¿Es correcto decir en inglés "My sister told me her secret was"?
Modesto | Clases de Inglés
Hi Jasmin, 1) You could better say: a friend of mine told me where I can buy the tickets ... My friend of mine sounds redundant and it is supposed you are referring some tickets specifically, so we use 'the'. 2) It sounds more natural to me: my father told me how to save money or ...how I could save money.
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esta bien si digo
Modesto | Clases de Inglés
Hi Jasmin, 1) You could better say: a friend of mine told me where I can buy the tickets ... My friend of mine sounds redundant and it is supposed you are referring some tickets specifically, so we use 'the'. 2) It sounds more natural to me: my father told me how to save money or ...how I could save money.
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Is there a term to call : uncle + aunt? and nephew + niece?
Judit | Clases de Inglés
Hi Judith, No, there is not a term for that. There is 'siblings' for brother and sister but there is not any for uncle and aunt or niece and nephew. You can say 'relatives'.
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Flory Inglés Rojo

Flory Inglés Rojo
58 Años·Profesora con más de 10 años de experiencia
15 €/h
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Flory Inglés Rojo
Flory Inglés Rojo (3) Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Tenerife)
15 €/h¡La primera clase gratis!
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