Isabel Findlay Uriarte Findlay Uriarte

Isabel Findlay Uriarte Findlay Uriarte

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  • Gorliz
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I am a native qualified esl teacher with more than 20 years experience. I have the experience and confidence to teach all English levels. Furthermore, I enjoy teaching and it gives me satisfaction to see how my students have progressed.
I a m confident to teach official exams such as FCE , CAE, CPE and Business English..
During my classes, I stress on the importance of the different aspects of the language, here I refer to grammar, listening, reading, writing and last but not least speaking. All of these areas must be mastered if the student wishes to obtain a good English level. English teaching doesn't stop here, there are other areas that I like to look at, one being cultural areas. I focus on an English speaking country and analyse the different aspects. In this lesson, my students are encouraged to give feed-back and possibly do further research. One example, is a quiz work sheet How much do you know about the USA. Speaking activities are varied and range according to level. In the official exams discussion with the use of pictures is common. Students have to compare and contrast different themes shown in the pictures. Role plays offer students the opportunity to use language in a more realistic and dynamic way. One example would be a role play on shopping, where students practice vocabulary and structure related to shopping.
Finally a nice way to wrap a lesson and review structions, functions is with a game. There are endless games to use, but experience has shown me that the simpliest is the most successful.
Hot seat is a good example for almost any level. Students have to guess who is the celebrity after asking a series of questions.
Ofrece clases particulares a
  • Infantil y preescolar, ESO, bachillerato, universitarios, adultos
  • Empresas, autónomos y profesionales (in company)
Cómo da las clases Isabel Findlay Uriarte Findlay Uriarte
  • En el domicilio del profesor
  • Se desplaza a domicilio
Habla estos idiomas
  • Inglés
Formación: títulos, cursos y certificaciones
  • Licenciatura:

    BA Humanities- York University- Glendon College Toronto- ESL teaching certificate

  • Disponibilidad horaria
    Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo

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Isabel Findlay Uriarte Findlay Uriarte
Isabel Findlay Uriarte Findlay Uriarte
69 Años·Profesora con más de 5 años de experiencia
16 €/h
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  • Última conexión hace pocos días
  • Responde en 24 horas
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Isabel Findlay Uriarte Findlay Uriarte
Isabel Findlay Uriarte Findlay Uriarte Gorliz (Bizkaia)
16 €/h¡La primera clase gratis!
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