
¿Cómo saber en qué nivel de inglés me encuentro?
Àlex | Clases de Inglés
Hi Alex! I can give you a level test online no problem. Please see my profile.
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¿Cómo se forma el tercer condicional?
Emilio | Clases de Inglés
Si hubiera aprobado el exámen, habría ido a la universidad. If I had passed the exam, I would have gone to university. If + had + past participle/ would (or could) + have + past participle
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¿Cómo se utilizan los quantifiers en inglés?
Sara | Clases de Inglés
Firstly, you need to be aware of whether the noun you are quantifying is countable or uncountable. For a countable noun such as 'people', we can say 'some people' or 'a few people'. However, with UNcountable nouns such as 'money' we say 'some money' but we can't use 'a few'. The quantifier 'a bit' is also used with uncountable nouns, for example: 'Fancy a bit of cake?'. The quantifier 'any' is used with BOTH types of nouns, but in negative statements or questions. eg. Do you have any time?/ I don't have any friends. You asked about 'few' but be careful as 'few' means 'not many'. It is used only with countable nouns. For example, I have FEW friends. = I don't have many friends. Espero que mi repuesta te ayude!
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¿Cuándo se utiliza "have you" y cuándo "did you"?
Elena | Clases de Inglés
Did you...? This is for asking questions in the past simple e.g. Did you have a good weekend? Have you...? This is for asking questions in the present perfect e.g. Have you been to England? Furthermore, it could be used with 'GOT' e.g. Have you got the address? = Do you have the address?
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Diferencias entre present perfect y past simple
ainhoa | Clases de Inglés
The present perfect has different uses. For experiences: I have travelled all over Europe. For recent events: I've just/ already had lunch. For repeated events: I've seen this film twice. For a past event with a present result: I have had my hair cut. To say how long something has been happening: I have lived here for a year. Past perfect is normally used with the past simple. I had not seen the film so I saw it yesterday.
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