Jessica Breitenfeld

Blog de Jessica Breitenfeld

Jessica Breitenfeld

3 artículos publicados


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Canadian Linguist teaches English to monkey in Badalona, Dec. 8th, 2016

I understand your struggles. I've learned French in Eastern Canada, German from my parents and Portuguese while teacing business English in Rio de Janerio. Now I am living in Barcelona teaching young professionals in my home office and at their homes. My partner is Catalan so I am learning poc a poc your culture and language. I have recently met a friendly monkey on a fieldtrip to Badalona. He whispered in my ear-  Do you want faster p...


Be more joyful. Find your new career- focus less on money

Why aren´t you doing what you love? If Picasso, Charlie Chaplin & Justin Bieber lived their truth- so can you! If your thoughts change --your emotions change--then your behaviour will change as a result of how you feel. Don't forget how good it feels when you're doing your hobbies and what you love. What are you turning to in your boredom? Movies. Music. Art. The creative people of the world inspire and joyify us. You have something cool to...


El poder del entrenamiento neuroadaptativo para aprender inglés

En la actualidad, cada vez más profesores y centros ofrecen un nuevo enfoque del aprendizaje del inglés. A través de la lente dinámica del entrenamiento neuroadaptativo, una técnica nueva -pero antigua- que armoniza los procesos de aprendizaje innatos del cerebro, la adquisición de idiomas trasciende la eficiencia, transformándose en una forma fácil y divertida de aprender. {{tutorbox:10:275:0:0:Profes de terapias alternativas}} La ventaja neuro...

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Jessica Breitenfeld
Jessica Breitenfeld (15) Barcelona Capital (Barcelona)
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