Kawana Gibson

Kawana Gibson

    • ¡Primera clase gratis!
  • Bilbao
  • Datos verificados
  • 4 años de experiencia
11 10100


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When it comes to learning a second language many of you may feel uncomfortable attempting to speak a new language. Well NOT in my class. You will be in a comfortable, fun and open atmosphere where you can communicate freely!!! I am here to teach you how to speak English. After all it is my native language. I am an American that grew up in Japan and have lived all over the world. My father was in the military so it has allowed me to experience many different walks of life.

My goal is to help you to have a better understanding of spoken English. My main focus is to make sure that you have fun while learning to speak English.

I have found being a teacher you have to be able to adapt your style of teaching to the learning needs of your student. I believe in accessing where students are in their learning and building upon their current level of learning ability.

I firmly believe in Direct Method teaching simply because my goal is to help the student develop PERFECT COMMAND OF ENGLISH. I believe that not only will it help the student with FLUENCY, it also allows the student to utilize macro skills, which are reading, writing, speaking and listening.

As a teacher I am the creator of the environment where there are lots of manipulative activities and tools where a student can develop an understanding. I believe as a teacher it’s important to ask questions to help my students refine their thinking and recognize where they may be wrong. I also believe that in a classroom setting whether it be in person or online, as a teacher I must prepare relevant activities that include review and revision, class vocabulary, use of the scaffolding approach with learners of all levels, analysis and discussion of language and topics. As mentioned earlier, my goal is to get my students speaking English.

So let's make it happen!! Let's have some fun learning a new language today!!
Vídeo presentación de Kawana Gibson
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Ofrece clases particulares a
  • Infantil y preescolar, primaria, bachillerato, universitarios, adultos
  • Empresas, autónomos y profesionales (in company)
Cómo da las clases Kawana Gibson
  • En el domicilio del profesor
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Habla estos idiomas
  • Inglés
Formación: títulos, cursos y certificaciones
  • Licenciatura:

    BBS BBus

  • Certificado:

    TEFL Certified

  • Disponibilidad horaria
    Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo
  • Ubicación aproximada de las clases de Kawana Gibson
Anuncios de clases particulares y materias que imparte en este momento
Qué opinan los alumnos de esta profesora


11 recomendaciones

  • 5
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  • 2
  • 1

Teresa Ir you want to improve your speaking Kawana s your teacher

Jone Zalbidea Contacté a Kawana porque estaba buscando clases de conversación ...

Contacta sin compromiso


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Kawana Gibson

Kawana Gibson
43 Años·Profesora con más de 5 años de experiencia
45 €/h
¡Primera clase gratis!
  • Datos verificados: e-mail, teléfono, dirección y opiniones
  • Última conexión hace pocos días
  • Responde en pocos minutos
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Kawana Gibson
Kawana Gibson (11) Bilbao (Bizkaia)
45 €/h¡La primera clase gratis!
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