Khadija Arshad

Khadija Arshad

    • ¡Primera clase gratis!
  • Gandia
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I want to teach English as second language to different age first motive is to enhance the vocabulary with the help of photos videos or books. to speak with correct pronunciation will be my top priority. I can use story telling method which introduces the students with treasure of vocabulary and dialogue writing will help them have better understanding of grammar.
I can make grammar easy for them by practicing.i am aware that students of different age groups must be taught differently.i will try to engage them in activities so they don't get h and every student must be given attention to get better results.i will be available to them whenever they ask for help.i can prove myself as a good teacher of English
Ofrece clases particulares a
  • Alumnos particulares
  • Empresas, autónomos y profesionales (in company)
Cómo da las clases Khadija Arshad
  • En el domicilio del profesor
  • Se desplaza a domicilio
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Habla estos idiomas
  • Inglés
  • Hindi
Anuncios de clases particulares y materias que imparte en este momento

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Khadija Arshad
Khadija Arshad
34 Años·Profesor con 2 años de experiencia
9 €/h
¡Primera clase gratis!
  • Datos de contacto validados
  • Última conexión hace pocas semanas
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· Consejos y técnicas para aprender inglés

Khadija Arshad
Khadija Arshad Gandia (Valencia)
9 €/h¡La primera clase gratis!
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