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Clases de Español para extranjeros

en Madrid Capital, Pozuelo De Alarcón (Madrid)

SPANISH TEACHER , PRESENCIAL AND ON LINE. DELE and private lessons designed for general use

Para alumnos de:

Todos los niveles


Todos los niveles


Presenciales (en casa del profesor), a domicilio, en empresas


20 €/h Primera clase gratis

I am an experienced Spanish teacher, having taught for over 15 years in Spain and abroad. I teach at all levels (beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced), all adapted to the Common European Framework for Languages (levels A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) and to the Instituto Cervantes curriculum. I am a native Spanish speaker with a Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from the University of Alcalá de Henares and a degree in Tourism from the University of Salamanca. I have experience teaching Spanish in Spain, Luxembourg and Ireland, covering various disciplines.
I can adapt my classes to your particular communication needs and to your study schedule, life in Spain, travels and work environment. I specialize in Spanish tourist sector, business and banking, as well as with a view to preparing for the DELE exam.

Classes can take place at the student's home or workplace in Madrid, Aravaca and Pozuelo. I can be contacted by phone, e-mail or WhatsApp.

I offer both individual and group (two or more students) classes.

- Rates for individual classes:

1 hour: €20
1.5 hours: €28
2 hours: €32

- Rates for group classes in the student's home or teacher's house (2 students):

1 hour: €28
1.5 hours: €36
2 hours: €44

- Rates for group classes in the student's home or teacher's house(3-4 students):

1 hour: €32
1.5 hours: €44
2 hours: €55
Rates for intensive private classes:

10 hours/week: €150
15 hours/week: €1**

- Rates for intensive group classes (2-3 students):

10 hours/week: €220
15 hours/week: €300
Contacta sin compromiso



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    Gloria tiene el Perfil Verificado

    • Todos sus datos están verificados (dirección de correo electrónico, teléfono de contacto, ubicación y referencias) y experiencia demostrable como profesor.
    • Además, dispone de un número muy elevado de valoraciones positivas y responde a los alumnos interesados rápidamente.
    • Los profesores con este sello han conseguido el más alto nivel entre nuestros Profesores Verificados, llevan años impartiendo clase y su trayectoria es impecable.
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