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Clases de Atención a personas dependientes

en Santa Cruz De Tenerife (Tenerife)

Soy intenso enseñando, no voy a vender nada que no tenga, si veo que puedo enseñar correctamente lo digo, sino, lo dejo claro

Para alumnos de:

Infantil y preescolar, Primaria, E.S.O., Bachillerato


Presenciales (en casa del profesor), a domicilio, on-line


10 €/h (suplemento a domicilio: 2 €)Primera clase gratis

It is true that I have not dedicated much time to teach Spanish, but since my experience as an Au Pair in the United States where I had to teach three small children simple things in Spanish, it is something that I really liked and I have always had it in my head, but due to the rhythm of my work and studies I have not been able to dedicate myself fully to it. However, this year I met an Englishman who came to Spain to learn Spanish, and I tried to help him as much as I could, correcting several works and talking a lot with him in Spanish. I can't assure a perfect training as a native teacher with a lot of experience would offer, but I am very eager to offer all the time I can to teach Spanish, which I consider to be a precious language.
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