Tommy Gumbs Fonseca

Opiniones de Tommy Gumbs Fonseca

Tommy Gumbs Fonseca



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Tommy is a patient tutor who teaches English while really having fun. While supporting your grammar with many exercises in the classes, he also makes the lessons fun by chatting on various topics. He teaches new vocabulary in a dynamic way like role-playing etc... He corrects the mistakes politely in the conversations that help you to improve your spoken English. You can talk to him about any topic. I strongly recommend him for everyone who wants to have fun while learning...

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Tommy Gumbs Fonseca

Tommy Gumbs Fonseca
Profesora con 4 años de experiencia
15 €/h
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Tommy Gumbs Fonseca
Tommy Gumbs Fonseca (1) Murcia Capital (Murcia)
15 €/h
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