Catalina Vasquez Nieto
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Catalina Vasquez Nieto

Clases de Inglés

en Valencia Capital (Valencia)

Profesor/a de inglés - First Certificate - 15€ a 30€/hora

Para alumnos de:

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Todos los niveles


12 €/h Primera clase gratis

I'm passionate about languages, TEFL certified (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and a student at the Universidad Santiago de Cali. I'm dedicated to teaching as my vocation in order to share my knowledge through providing an effective learning experience to all those interested in developing, expanding and improving their linguistic skills. I am proficient in English grammar and communication skills. I'm skilled at managing groups of people with the aim of directing them intelligently and resolutely. I have the capacity to relate responsibly, empathetically and assertively with students and their various needs.
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Catalina Vasquez Nieto

Catalina Vasquez Nieto

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