Xochitl Barragan

Xochitl Barragan

  • Madrid Capital
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Hello! My name is Xochitl and I am an English speaker from California. I was born in Mexico but moved to California when I was seven years old. I did not speak any English so I know what it is like to learn a new language. I would describe myself as a patient, talkative and friendly individual. In my classes, I want my students to feel comfortable and not afraid to makes mistakes because that is the only way you learn. This will be my third year as an English teacher in Spain. My first year I was placed in Zaragoza at two primary schools. My second year I worked in Madrid (Chamberi) at a secondary school with 1 ESO- 1 Bachillerato. Besides working with students in biology, history, and English, I also prepared students for the PET and the C1 Cambridge exam. For my third year, I will be working in the same school. My experience varies from conversation classes with adults to babysitting young children to reinforce the language. I am looking for students, preferably in the center, so as to not have a long commute. Thank you for taking the time to check out my profile. I hope to hear from you!

A requirement of the english program I'm in requires you to make a blog about you and your experience in the school you are placed. Below is my blog, so you can learn a little more about me.
Ofrece clases particulares a
  • Estudiantes de primaria, ESO, bachillerato, adultos
Cómo da las clases Xochitl Barragan
  • Se desplaza a domicilio
Habla estos idiomas
  • Inglés
  • Español
Formación: títulos, cursos y certificaciones
  • Licenciatura:


  • Disponibilidad horaria
    Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo
  • Ubicación aproximada de las clases de Xochitl Barragan
    Localidades a las que se desplaza para dar clases:
Anuncios de clases particulares y materias que imparte en este momento

Contacta sin compromiso


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Xochitl Barragan
Xochitl Barragan
31 Años·Profesora con más de 5 años de experiencia
15 €/h
  • Datos de contacto validados
  • Hace tiempo que no se conecta
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· Consejos y técnicas para aprender inglés

Xochitl Barragan
Xochitl Barragan Madrid Capital (Madrid)
15 €/h
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