Simon Lowe

Opiniones de Simon Lowe

Simon Lowe



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Tim Shanahan

Simon has been my Spanish tutor for a while now and I couldn’t be happier. I have learned so much with him in a fun, relaxed environment online. It isn’t all grammar and rules with more of a concentration on getting to know the language naturally, throughout the course. Couldn’t recommend enough and look forward to continuing to learn much more in the future.


I would highly recommend Simon. I am thoroughly enjoying my Spanish classes with Simon. I love his style of teaching, it’s fun, encouraging and totally enjoyable. Very quickly Simon has you speaking and understanding some Spanish without getting bogged down with tenses. Recently I was in Spain and found myself confidently asking questions and answering the locals, it was very exciting and a big step for me as I would normally shy away from trying just incase I said the wrong thing. Simon always says “just give it ago” and thanks to him I now can give it a go.


As beginners we needed someone who could engage us in the Spanish language without making things difficult and overly academic oriented. We found immediate confidence and got usable Spanish very quickly and we continue to add to our abilities. Many thanks to Simon.


Simon is an excellent Spanish teacher. Our lessons over Zoom are driven by a formal lesson plan, but are always fun and conversational. He pays close attention to my Spanish and tailors each exercise to my specific “pain point” areas. Having done Duolingo for a while, I have made more progress with Simon in 6 lessons than I have done with Duo for a year! Highly recommended.


Learning spainish with Simon is pure joy and fun. It's like school should have been. My confidence has grown and I have a sense of achievement. Learning a language is fantastic I am loving it!

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Simon Lowe

Simon Lowe
42 Años·Profesor con 4 años de experiencia
15 €/h
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