Sara Gumbrecht Real

Sara Gumbrecht Real
¿Qué diferencia hay entre may, might y could?
Isaac | Clases de Inglés
Hola Isaac, todos los mencionados son verbos modales. MAY: Permission for or Future Possibility: "May I borrow your pen" or "He may be late to the meeting" MIGHT: Present or Future Possibility: "We might win the trophy but I am not totally convinced" C O U L D: Permission for Past Ability, Suggestion, Future Possibility: "Could I use your phone, please?". "In the past I could sing really well". "We could go to that restaurant tonight" MUST: Necessity or Obligation: "You must have an identity proof to enter in the room." SHALL: Offer o r Suggestion: "Shall I help you?" WILL: Willingness, Certain Prediction or Promise: "It will rain today." "I will pick you up as promised" O U G H T T O: What's Right & Correct: "People ought to be more careful about saving energy in the home." SHOULD: Advice or Uncertain Prediction: "You should check it again." "He should give her a call." CAN: Ability, Request: "Julie can swim." "Can I come with you?"
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Sara Gumbrecht Real

Sara Gumbrecht Real
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