• Understanding Grammar - a, an or the (A...

Understanding Grammar - a, an or the (Articles)

Nos volvemos a encontrar pero esta vez para aprender o recordar cuando usar los articulos A AN and THE. Empecemos....

Articles are words that makes it clear whether a noun refers to something specific or something general.

The English language has only three articles: a, an, and the.

  • Definite Articles

The only definite in the English language is the word the. It's called a definite article because it refers to a specific (or defined) person, place or object.

  • Indefinite Articles

The words a and an are indefinite articles. They are used when talking about non-specific things, people or places.

Indefinite articles can only be used to refer to countable nouns (e.g. "a car", referring to "1 car").

Examples of nouns that are not countable include flour, weather, water, and politics. With uncountable words, you can use the definite article, the.

  • When to Use A or AN

If the noun an article modifes begins with the vowel sound (A, E, I, O, or U), an is the correct article to use.

Ahora les voy a dejar algunas oraciones de ejemplo para que entiendan un poco más el uso de estos articulos....

  • A dog is an animal.
  • A cat is a mammal.
  • I love the color red.
  • Our family loves to sing on the weekends.
  • A cat and a dog are both mammals.
  • The movie they saw was "Frozen".
  • A golden retriever is a breed of dog.
  • We live on the third floor of the apartment building.
  • I'm looking for a person of great integrity.
  • The dog bit him on the leg.

>>>> To recap <<<<

Use A when referring to something that is both non´specific and countable, and use AN when that thing begins with a vowel sound. THE is the article to choose when you're referring to a specific person, place, or thing.

Por último.... les dejo algunos links de páginas donde pueden practicar este tema y chequear las respuestas. ¡¡ SUERTE !!

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