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Clases online de CAE Certificate in Advanced English

C1, B2, trabajo, 30 años experiencias, nativa de Britanica, doy clases online

Para alumnos de:

Bachillerato, Universidad, Adultos, Empresas




20 €/h Primera clase gratis

Profesora experimentada dando clases más que 30 años, sigue tu ritmo y tu manera de aprender. I'm originally from Britain and have a standard southern English accent.

I've been an English language teacher for over 30 years, obtaining my CELTA in June 1990. I first taught foreign students in Leeds. In 1992 I moved to France to teach English to adults, and lived there for 7 years. During that time, I prepared for and passed the RSA DELTA, the advanced diploma in teaching English.

In 1999, China called, and I moved there to teach English to adults and university students. While there, I completed a Masters in Training (Human Resources) and worked with many multinational corporations, helping their staff improve their English skills and understand cultural differences.

I relocated to Spain in 2013 with my family. Currently, I prepare high school, university students and adults to take and pass the B1, B2, C1 and IELTS Cambridge exams.

I have also coached students presenting themselves for the public examinations in teaching, forestry, pharmacy and guardia civil.

I prefer to work online as this gives you and me the most flexibility and convenience. It is also an excellent way to improve your listening skills when you switch off the video.

To improve your writing skills, I use and Google docs real-time sharing.

I work at your speed focusing on what you need. I have access to a wide range of resources, but I believe you are your best resource. All is possible. I'm here to help you to your next level.

Looking forward to working with you very soon!
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