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Clases online de Canto

In MADRID, learn how to GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR VOICE in a VERY SIMPLE WAY. SINGING CLASSES, face-to-face and virtual

Para alumnos de:



Iniciación, Bajo, Medio




25 €/h Primera clase gratis

In-person and online singing classes for performers, singers, amateurs.

Do you feel that you have problems with your register, difficulty reaching the high notes, have you been told that your voice is "short" or with little extension? Would you like to have more vocal projection, have you been told that your voice is too small? Have you been told that you have no ear, that you are out of tune and that you have no musical talent? Please read on; I think you will be interested in what follows:

My voice was also "short" (or so some "experts" told me: professional singers, choir conductors...) and small. By studying with a proper methodology, I enlarged my register (I am a light tenor, with a vocal extension of more than two octaves) and achieved a voice of normal size to sing opera in a theater without the help of a microphone.
If I have shaped my voice FROM ZERO, SO CAN YOU. This is true even if you feel you have little musical ear or difficulty in tuning, as these skills can be trained and developed; I have proven this with several of my students and in a reasonable period of time. You just need patience and tenacity.

I base my technique on the vocal physiology and its practical implementation from the very first class. My premises are simple explanations; plain, understandable language; bodily sensations easily felt by the student and achievable actions. The aim of all this is to fix, both in body and mind, a pattern of operation effective and healthy. Forget about abstract words or vague, incomprehensible terms!
The student will settle logical cause and effect relationships in his mind, which make him progress quickly, gain control over his vocal instrument and to achieve progressively autonomy and self-confidence.
The work with this technique achieves remarkable results in people who have trouble projecting the voice and/or reaching acute notes, as well as tuning and hearing in a musical way.
This technique comes from opera singing and primarily focuses on it but is proving to be useful for other singing styles and even for actors, as it has been a great help to me onstage playing different roles.
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    Juan tiene el Perfil Verificado

    • Todos sus datos están verificados (dirección de correo electrónico, teléfono de contacto, ubicación y referencias) y experiencia demostrable como profesor.
    • Además, dispone de un número muy elevado de valoraciones positivas y responde a los alumnos interesados rápidamente.
    • Los profesores con este sello han conseguido el más alto nivel entre nuestros Profesores Verificados, llevan años impartiendo clase y su trayectoria es impecable.
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