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Clases online de Castellano

PERSONALIZED PRIVATE LESSONS WITH A NATIVE, EXPERIENCED TUTOR: Unlock your spanish potential discovering your ideal learning style

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16 €/h Primera clase gratis

Would you like to find your own most effective way to learn Spanish?
As each person is different, in my private lessons I strive to find the approach that works best for each student, working to fit your unique motivations, interests, and learning style.

In our initial meeting, we will discuss your language background, expectations, and topics of interest. Together, we will explore various practice methods, and I'll help you choose the ones that suit you best. We can try them all in our sessions until we find the perfect fit.

To ensure steady progress (for those who love structured lessons), I offer a study program proposal that combines theoretical explanations with interactive exercises to be practiced during the lessons and/or as an additional practice afterward. This way you will be able to reinforce your understanding of grammar concepts and apply them in practical situations, allowing you to confidently use the language in real-life scenarios.

For those who prefer conversational lessons, more fluid and spontaneous, we can focus on acquiring vocabulary and skills to discuss their favorite topics of interest, draw inspiration from current news and events, and utilize online resources that guide us in interactive practice. Our aim would be to stimulate natural and engaging conversations, helping you feel confident and comfortable expressing yourself in any situation.

Moreover, if you have any specific ideas or proposals you'd like to explore (such as preparing for specific situations or working on particular topics or texts), I would love to adapt my approach and contribute my best efforts to help you achieve that specific goal.

As I consider flexibility the most interesting way of teaching, lessons can be conducted individually, for a couple, or for a group of friends.

So whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your existing skills, we will search for the type of practice that best fits and makes the most sense for your way of learning.

About me:

I was born in Madrid, Spain. I studied English and French at school and university, developing a keen ability to observe, analyze, and compare those languages with Spanish structures. Later, I lived abroad in Rio de Janeiro, from 2015 to 2020. During my time there, I achieved fluency in Portuguese and began giving Spanish lessons, which has been my main professional activity ever since.
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