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Clases particulares de inglés con profesor nativo 🎓

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13 €/h Primera clase gratis

⚡ Native English 🪪 Autónomo💲Free trial lesson ✅ TEFL teacher 🫂Cost share with someone else.

Do you want to feel confident when speaking English?
Do you want to improve your career prospects?
Has your company become more international?

Now, so many Spaniards say the same…
“I can´t speak English well or Spaniards can't speak English very well in general”

But hold your horses...

What I have seen in Spain is a lot of people KNOW quite a lot of English but they are only able to USE a small amount. They rely on a limited but comfortable bank of vocabulary. This largely happens because despite learning to read and write in English, they have never had much opportunity to practice it consistently.

What can we do to change this?

So what I have done with so many students is give them the confidence to start tapping into what they KNOW, and transforming this unused knowledge into something USEFUL, the result is after just a few weeks my student's ability to communicate in English improves greatly.
Simply having a comfortable environment with instant feedback will greatly improve your confidence, and what confidence can do for you can be amazing… 💪
Of course, we will be introducing new materials to further grow your vocabulary bank, your grammar, and your understanding of phrasal verbs, Idioms, and collocations.

So how are we going to do this?

I am a friendly, patient, and experienced native English tutor and I will create an environment where you feel comfortable to practice and grow your English abilities.
I use a range of resources that can facilitate your needs and style of learning. For example
• Cambridge material
• Off2Class curriculum
• Linguahouse: Article-based lessons such as “The Dark Side of Mindfulness” 🧘‍♂️ 😱 or “Business English - Closing the Deal”
• Engoo: Short and sweet article-based lessons, for students who do not have much time. ⌛ ⚡

Why choose me?
💲FREE 25-minute trial lesson
🪪 Autónomo
🫂 The price per lesson and not per student!!! So you can share the cost of the lesson with a friend or co-worker.
👇 Great reviews.
✔️ 5+ years experience
👨‍🏫 Level 3 Training and education certified (UK), and a TEFL certification
🏦Experience with institutions and companies.

If you want to know more about me then click on “view complete profile”.

Thank you
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    • Además, dispone de un número muy elevado de valoraciones positivas y responde a los alumnos interesados rápidamente.
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