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Clases online de Inglés

Private online classes for teenagers and adults, tailored to individual needs

Para alumnos de:

E.S.O., Bachillerato, Universidad, Adultos


Todos los niveles




18 €/h

I develop lessons to suit the needs of my students be it exam preparation, schoolwork, travelling, or business.
I use online articles, pdfs, games etc to make the lessons fun and interesting.
I enjoy having a laugh with my students, and chatting about anything that interests them, as this is a great way to practise speaking and listening, while at the same time getting correction in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
I am friendly and patient, I like to give my students time to think about what they want to say, and I give lots of encouragement! I am so proud of all my students when they try so hard and achieve their dreams!!
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