Ana Belkis Antinori

Ana Belkis Antinori
¿Qué es lo más difícil de aprobar en el First?
Octavio | Clases de FCE First Certificate in English
Hi Octavio! It all depends on your skills, if you are good at writing, in the correct use of language, in listening and understanding or in speaking. If you have all these skills, you will succeed, but if you have any difficulty in any of these skills, you will have to practice more on it.
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¿Se puede suspender alguna parte del First y aún así que te otorgen el título?
Cristina | Clases de FCE First Certificate in English
Hi there Cristina! The final grade is the result of the average among the different parts: Reading, Use of English, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Each of these five parts scores equally. You can fail some, but if the others go well, you can pass if the average is sufficient.
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¿Qué es lo más difícil de aprobar en el First?
Octavio | Clases de FCE First Certificate in English
Hi Octavio! It all depends on your skills, if you are good at writing, in the correct use of language, in listening and understanding or in speaking. If you have all these skills, you will succeed, but if you have any difficulty in any of these skills, you will have to practice more on it.
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¿Se puede suspender alguna parte del First y aún así que te otorgen el título?
Cristina | Clases de FCE First Certificate in English
Hi there Cristina! The final grade is the result of the average among the different parts: Reading, Use of English, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Each of these five parts scores equally. You can fail some, but if the others go well, you can pass if the average is sufficient.
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Ana Belkis Antinori

Ana Belkis Antinori
54 Años·Profesora con 2 años de experiencia
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Ana Belkis Antinori
Ana Belkis Antinori (11) Deltebre (Tarragona)
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