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Clases de Matemáticas

en Barcelona Capital (Barcelona)

Everyone tells me that I am a very good teacher

Para alumnos de:

Infantil y preescolar, Primaria, Universidad, Adultos, Empresas


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I am a person of interdisciplinary areas, with various work experiences, but here I will mostly focus on those related to teaching.
I had this great chance to be raised by a mother who was a primary school teacher. She knew very well how to intrigue me about science. I was always an active, curious, and successful student during my school years, and I was asked to teach when our teachers were absent. That was fun and rewarding to me as a teenager, and thereupon teaching became an enjoyable activity for me.
I first entered university in the field of electronics engineering. During my studies in Iran, I used to teach mathematics, physics, electronics, and digital circuits, at several high schools and technical schools. I also worked at a primary school, teaching English as a second language to kids.
Later, when I entered the field of brain studies, I was invited to give a series of lectures about mathematical models of the nervous system, for the masters students of engineering, at the K.N.Toosi university of Tehran. There, I worked a year as a part time researcher and co-advisor of students. Then, I got a scholarship to do a second masters at the HSE university of Moscow. At HSE, I passed a course titled “Qualitative and Quantitative methods of data analyses” with a high grade, and my professor asked me to work as his teaching assistant. I had to hold seminars about statistical methods, as well as teaching students how to use SPSS for data management. Moreover, I started teaching my mother tongue - Persian - to Russians who needed to learn this language for their businesses in Iran.
I did my PhD at the university of Barcelona, and during these years, although I was very busy with my work, I continued teaching here and there. During covid, I gave a 12-session online course titled “Neuroscience in simple words” for the public. I gave some lectures about different brain recording techniques, for teenagers in Barcelona. I also had a meetup group (Name, Talk science) in which I gave lectures about popular scientific topics.
In general, I have finished my PhD, but I like to stay connected to education. I always enjoy learning and teaching. These days I am working on a business plan to launch a startup. Meanwhile this will be a great opportunity for me to work as a teacher and I am sure being a part of tusClasses will provide me a valuable experience for my future
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