Colette Dervan

Colette Dervan


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What does take after mean in English?
News | Clases de English
This is incorrect. To take after someone means you are similar to someone. As in, you have the same qualities as that person. It's often used in the context of a child having similar qualities as one of their parents. For example, a child who is very artistic "takes after" one of their parents, who is also very artistic. "Jose is a great painter, he takes after his mother, she's a very good artist as well".
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What does take after mean in English?
News | Clases de English
This is incorrect. To take after someone means you are similar to someone. As in, you have the same qualities as that person. It's often used in the context of a child having similar qualities as one of their parents. For example, a child who is very artistic "takes after" one of their parents, who is also very artistic. "Jose is a great painter, he takes after his mother, she's a very good artist as well".
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Colette Dervan
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