Jackeline Brea Lopez

Jackeline Brea Lopez


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¿Cómo no olvidar el idioma inglés?
Laia | Clases de Inglés
The best thing you should do is try to listen and watch videos or movies, in English, without subtitles and at the same time read a lot, since that will help you maintain the vocabulary and grammatical structures that you have already learned and will even help you improve them.
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¿Cómo no olvidar el idioma inglés?
Laia | Clases de Inglés
The best thing you should do is try to listen and watch videos or movies, in English, without subtitles and at the same time read a lot, since that will help you maintain the vocabulary and grammatical structures that you have already learned and will even help you improve them.
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Jackeline Brea Lopez
Jackeline Brea Lopez
51 Años·Profesora con 1 año de experiencia
12 €/h
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Jackeline Brea Lopez
Jackeline Brea Lopez Palma de Mallorca (Balears)
12 €/h¡La primera clase gratis!
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