James Sharratt

Opiniones de James Sharratt

James Sharratt



3 recomendaciones

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Natasha Gazvoda

I've tried putting my opinion: Apart from my lovely English teacher for years during my childhood, James has been the best professor I've met for English. His native skill complements his wide general knolewledge that in part has to do with his degree in History and nomad life. He was my upper level tutor, and he gave me exactly what I needed: more than grammar lessons it was checking my mistakes, learn from that, practice pronunciation, and how to improve my writing. All the class was very synthetic, in terms of theory, but because it was applied to practice and real situations. Plus, you might talk about all the topics in the world applying the lesson topics. Apart from that, James a genuine person, that is so friendly, honest and polite that I guarantee enjoying your classes with him.


Excelente profesor para preparación de todos los exámenes de Cambridge. Controla a la perfección todas sus partes y sus técnicas son inmejorables.


James es un excelente profesor con quien se aprende mucho. Fue una experiencia muy positiva haberlo tenido como docente. Sus clases particulares son únicas! !!!

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James Sharratt

James Sharratt
42 Años·Profesor con más de 5 años de experiencia
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James Sharratt
James Sharratt (3) Barcelona Capital (Barcelona)
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