Krista Eilbacher Siegfried

Krista Eilbacher Siegfried

  • León Capital
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I'm a native English speaker from the United States, and this next school year will be my third year living and working in Spain. I've worked as an auxiliar de conversación de inglés for two years, first in a primary school with children as young as 3 years old, and second in an instituto with up to 2nd bachillerato. I have a Bachelor's degree from Miami University (located in the state of Ohio).

In my work as an auxiliar, I've been exposed to all different levels of fluency in English. With my 3 year olds in infantil, we played games in English and made sure they had fun learning the language in an organic, natural way. In primary school, much of the English I taught was related to a certain subject in school, for example Biology, or History. In the institute this past year, I worked with students with varying levels of fluency and adapted my content and manner of speaking to their needs. I'm a very outgoing and lively person, so I prefer to teach students who aren't shy about participating, with a passion for learning and improving their English fluency.

I've already left Spain for the summer to return to the States, but I will be returning to Spain the first week of September to live in the city of León.

I look forward to meeting you!
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Cómo da las clases Krista Eilbacher Siegfried
  • Se desplaza a domicilio
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Habla estos idiomas
  • Inglés
  • Español
  • Ubicación aproximada de las clases de Krista Eilbacher Siegfried
    Localidades a las que se desplaza para dar clases:
    León Capital

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Krista Eilbacher Siegfried
Krista Eilbacher Siegfried
30 Años·Profesora con 5 años de experiencia
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  • Hace tiempo que no se conecta
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Krista Eilbacher Siegfried
Krista Eilbacher Siegfried León Capital (León)
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