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Clases de Español para extranjeros

en Madrid Capital (Madrid)

Hello everyone! I'm Cristina, and I'm here to invite you to explore the fascinating world of Spanish.

Para alumnos de:

Infantil y preescolar




Adomicilio, on-line


15 €/h (suplemento a domicilio: 3 €)

As a philology student and a lover of languages, I know firsthand the incredible power they have to connect people, cultures, and opportunities. I've had the opportunity to study in the United States, which has allowed me to master English and understand the importance of embracing new linguistic horizons. Spanish is not just a language; it's a gateway to a vibrant and diverse universe. From Neruda's poetry to salsa music, Spanish invites us to immerse ourselves in an unparalleled cultural richness. And guess what? In my classes, we won't just be buried in textbooks studying grammar all the time. No, we'll be diving into the culture itself, exploring literature, music, film, and more. Learning Spanish with me won't be boring; it'll be an exciting journey of discovery and immersion. Mastering Spanish will not only expand your personal horizons but also open new doors in the professional world. In an increasingly interconnected world, Spanish is an invaluable asset that will allow you to communicate with over 580 million people worldwide. So join me on this exciting journey to mastering Spanish. Discover the beauty of its words, immerse yourself in its culture, and unlock a world of endless possibilities. So, are you ready to embark on this adventure with me?
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