Pooja Bharwani

Pooja Bharwani


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Diferencias entre present perfect y past simple
ainhoa | Clases de Inglés
Hey Micheal. Let’s start with an example- Past simple - I played basketball. You played basketball. (Yo jugué baloncesto. Tu jugaste baloncesto. ) Present perfect - I have played basketball. You have played basketball. ( Yo he jugado baloncesto. Tu has jugado baloncesto. ) Both are past actions. You must notice the difference in the sentence construction. In the past simple:- action started and finished in the past somewhere. In present perfect:- action started in the past but has finished recently. So, past and present perfect has different uses, use them according to situations. Write some simple sentences and send them to me for review.
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¿Qué significa I see you off en inglés?
Miguel | Clases de Inglés
Hi Miguel. The actual phrasal verb is “See off”, it means despedir a alguien. When you say “see you off” it means you are saying “despedir te”. When you say “see her/him off” , it means you are saying despedir a ella/el. Now the point is that we can not say “see off you” / see off him/her” that’s why noun or pronoun will be placed between two words of “phrasal verb” like a sandwich. I hope I have explained well! Now try to answer this “cuando tiene que despedir a un amigo llamado Miguel y tu cuentas eso a tu hermano”. Give me an answer and I will reply back.
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¿Qué significa I see you off en inglés?
Miguel | Clases de Inglés
Hi Miguel. The actual phrasal verb is “See off”, it means despedir a alguien. When you say “see you off” it means you are saying “despedir te”. When you say “see her/him off” , it means you are saying despedir a ella/el. Now the point is that we can not say “see off you” / see off him/her” that’s why noun or pronoun will be placed between two words of “phrasal verb” like a sandwich. I hope I have explained well! Now try to answer this “cuando tiene que despedir a un amigo llamado Miguel y tu cuentas eso a tu hermano”. Give me an answer and I will reply back.
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Diferencias entre present perfect y past simple
ainhoa | Clases de Inglés
Hey Micheal. Let’s start with an example- Past simple - I played basketball. You played basketball. (Yo jugué baloncesto. Tu jugaste baloncesto. ) Present perfect - I have played basketball. You have played basketball. ( Yo he jugado baloncesto. Tu has jugado baloncesto. ) Both are past actions. You must notice the difference in the sentence construction. In the past simple:- action started and finished in the past somewhere. In present perfect:- action started in the past but has finished recently. So, past and present perfect has different uses, use them according to situations. Write some simple sentences and send them to me for review.
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Pooja Bharwani

Pooja Bharwani
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