Roman Condal

Opiniones de Roman Condal

Roman Condal



2 recomendaciones

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I am an English teacher and recognise that Roman is a very skilled Spanish teacher. I learnt so much from him. He explains Spanish grammar in a way that is really easy to understand and he got me speaking from the word go. On top of that, our classes flew by as he has such a wide range of interests. He has lived in several different countries, he is a musician, a keen gardener, an astronomy enthusiast, among many other things, so we were never stuck for conversation. Roman also speaks English fluently, which means he could help me say whatever I wanted to in Spanish.


Román es un profe excepcional, es el mejor de toda Catalunya!! Recomendable al 100%, sus clases son muy dinámicas e interactivas, se adapta siempre a las necesidades del alumno. Un gusto conocerle, ya tengo casi el nivel C2 de castellano

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Roman Condal

Roman Condal
Profesor con más de 5 años de experiencia
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Roman Condal
Roman Condal (2) Barcelona Capital (Barcelona)
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