Samuel Joseph

Samuel Joseph


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¿Cómo no olvidar el idioma inglés?
Laia | Clases de Inglés
Hello Laia,The answer is simple, as "practice makes perfect" you may want to consider some language exchange sessions conducted by private individuals and some language academies also do them. These are also called "intercambios de idiomas" and I think you'll find them advertised on social media. Alternatively, you can practice with me "online" as I do "Structured English Conversation" classes for mostly Companies and Professional individuals. If you're interested contact me.With my best wishes,Samuel.
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¿Cómo se traduce la palabra "cringe" al español?
Aleix | Clases de Inglés
Hi Alex, CRINGE simply means to shrink back in fear or terror. Some examples; 1. The little boy cringed when his cruel father took his belt to strike him. 2. Looking at the pictures of the bombing in Ukaraine on TV makes anyone cringe. The translation of "cringe" in Castellano can point to some verbs like encogerse, rebajarse and possibly sumirse depending on the context of the language or sentence. The English synonyms are, to shrink, to shrivel up, to flinch, to belittle oneself, to sink and to wallow in. Hope this helps!? All the best, Samuel.
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¿TOEFL o IELTS? ¿Cuáles son las diferencias y cuál es mejor hacer?
Aleix | Clases de Inglés
They are both similar, TOEFL is used by many universities and educational institutes, and IELTS is used by most English speaking countries like UK, USA, Canada, Australia for Immigration purposes such as visa Entry for students, professional and family migration to these Countries.
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¿Cómo escribir un ensayo para el first?
Teacher Top | Clases de Inglés
Hola, yo puedo ayudarte, si quieres avisarme.
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¿Es mejor CELTA o TEFL para enseñar inglés?
Sandra | Clases de Inglés
Hello Sandra, CELTA is probably preferred (I think!) by public schools as it's an intense classroom-based course, with continuous assessments and supervised. The course is usually over a 4 week period full time. TEFL you can do online over a period of time and successfully complete all of its assignments and quizes to meet the required standard. All the best!
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Samuel Joseph

Samuel Joseph
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