• Useful idioms in english - Modismos en ...

Useful idioms in english - Modismos en inglés

¡Hola! Hoy aprenderemos algunos ''IDIOMS'' o modismos en inglés, los cuales nos ayudaran a expresarnos mejor y sonar como nativos :)

  • What is an IDIOM?

An idiom is a group of words with a figurative, non-literal meaning which can't be deciphered by looking at its individual words.

Un modismo es un grupo de palabras figurativas, con significado no literario las cuales no pueden ser descifradas con solo ver sus palabras individuales.

  • Examples of idioms



1. Break a leg

good luck

2. Better late than never

better to arrive late than not to come at all

3. Make a long story short

tell something briefly

4. Miss the boat

it's too late

5. No pain, no gain

you have to work for what you want

6. Pull someone's leg

joke with someone

7. The best of both worlds

an ideal situation

8. That's the last straw

my patience has run out

9. So far so good

things are doing well

10. time flies when you are having fun

You don't notice how long something lasts when it's fun

11. A blessing in disguise

a good thing that seemed bad at first

12. Get out of hand

out of control

13. Give someone the benefit of doubt

trust what someone say

14. Go back to the drawing board

start over

15. Hang it there

don't give up

**Recordemos que los modismos en inglés no tendran sentido si traducimos cada una de sus palabras. Lo ideal es aprendernos su significado para poder usarlos correctamente.

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