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Clases online de IELTS

Succeed in your English exams: IELTS, Cambridge B1-B2-C1, BEC, OET

Para alumnos de:

E.S.O., Bachillerato, Universidad, Adultos, Empresas




16 €/h Primera clase gratis

• If you are looking for help with exam preparation, enhancing your vocabulary and grammar, learning synonyms, formal and informal language, mastering phrasal verbs and fixed expressions, doing mock exams, and improving your ability to use linking devices for writing and speaking, please feel free to contact me. I'll be happy to assist you.

• The course is useful for those who are willing to prepare efficiently for IELTS General or Academic (band 6-8), OET Medicine, Cambridge B1-B2-C1, pursue your dreams and meet the requirements of universities, companies or any other courses you're applying for. Besides exam preparation, the most important goal for me is developing my students' confidence and fluency in English for everyday professional use.

• Fee:
€16/h – online
€24/h - you and your friend online

Materials are included
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