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Clases de Español para extranjeros

en Almería Capital (Almería)

Learn Spanish and enjoy. Online ¡Aprende español y diviértete! Clases individuales o en grupos

Para alumnos de:

Bachillerato, Universidad, Adultos, Empresas


Todos los niveles


Presenciales (en casa del profesor), a domicilio, en empresas


18 €/h (suplemento a domicilio: 3 €)

You can learn Spanish in a dynamic, active, fun way.
For sure!
About me:
¡Hola! Soy Dagmary, a Spanish teacher from Venezuela. I have lived in Spain since 2002, but I got tired of Madrid, the city where I used to live, and we decided to move to the Province of Almeria in 2018. For almost 10 years I have been teaching Spanish (and other subjects too). I love teaching Spanish and having fun during the classes, but without forgetting our objective: to learn Spanish. I know how important it is to communicate with people in the same language they speak (especially if you live in their country). I have lived in England, Morocco, and Spain. Being a Venezuelan living in Spain, I have experience with the different Spanish’s accents and idioms, from Latin America and from Spain. My training: I have a Bachelor's Degree in Literature from The Andrés Bello Catholic University (Caracas, 1999) and PhD in Humanities (2016), Charles III University of Madrid, and many other courses.
I have been teaching individual and groups. I have also provided classes through Skype and video conference.
About my classes:
-Levels A1-A2/B1-B2/C1-C2
-Conversation classes
-Online classes (Zoom)
- Small groups or companies

The Spanish lessons are customized based on YOUR specific needs.
Grammar, Homework, Practice learning and language structure you will have for sure in each session.
- One-to-one online class: 18€/h
-Groups (online)
2 pax.= 23 €/h
3 pax.= 28 €/h
4 pax.= 35 €/h

Send me a message and let's start!
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    Dagmary tiene el Perfil Verificado

    • Todos sus datos están verificados (dirección de correo electrónico, teléfono de contacto, ubicación y referencias) y experiencia demostrable como profesor.
    • Además, dispone de un número muy elevado de valoraciones positivas y responde a los alumnos interesados rápidamente.
    • Los profesores con este sello han conseguido el más alto nivel entre nuestros Profesores Verificados, llevan años impartiendo clase y su trayectoria es impecable.
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Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo
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