Anna Shay Wasden

Anna Shay Wasden

    • ¡Primera clase gratis!
  • Pamplona - Iruña
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English classes will be based on your individual needs as a student. As a university-level Instructor, I work with students whose ages range from 18 to late 50s. As a secondary-level English Second Language Teacher, I primarily work with students whose ages range from 11 to 16. I also tutor three Spanish siblings whose ages range from 6 to 13.

Lessons can last anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours depending on your needs. I can base lessons on speaking, reading, or writing English. I can aid in Essay or Resume revision for adults, Cambridge exam preparation for older children/teenagers, and basic English grammar for young children.

My qualifications include a degree in English from Troy University, years of experience in tutoring and teaching English, and a lifetime spent in the United States making me a native speaker in every sense of the word.

Being a daughter of two educators has allowed me to see the influence that certain teachers have on the lives of their students. My parents have always demonstrated love and respect toward each of their students regardless of their race, socioeconomic background, or upbringing. I recognize now that, unfortunately, not every student in the world receives that benefit. That is why I feel that it is so important for educators to be exposed to different people and lifestyles in order to be more empathetic and have an all- encompassing curriculum.

In my role as an Adjunct Professorship at Troy University, I have seen first-hand the damage that an unequal education can have on a student’s future. I endeavor each day as a remedial English teacher to rebuild trust and confidence in my students.

As an English major, I have been exposed to different cultures through literature. In these classes I have explored worlds foreign to me through the written word. Hemingway’s Jazz Age Europe, Ralph Ellison’s New York City, and even Phillip K. Dick’s post-apocalyptic world gave me peeks into a life outside of modern southern Alabama. My second major, Communication Studies, allowed me to see the influence that journalism has on people’s view of the world. I believe that this unique combination would make me an exceptional candidate for your English tutoring needs.
Ofrece clases particulares a
  • Infantil y preescolar, primaria, ESO, bachillerato, universitarios, adultos
  • Empresas, autónomos y profesionales (in company)
Cómo da las clases Anna Shay Wasden
  • Se desplaza a domicilio
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Habla estos idiomas
  • Inglés
Formación: títulos, cursos y certificaciones
  • Licenciatura:

    English and Communications

  • Disponibilidad horaria
    Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo
  • Ubicación aproximada de las clases de Anna Shay Wasden
    Localidades a las que se desplaza para dar clases:

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Anna Shay Wasden
Anna Shay Wasden
25 Años·Profesora con 3 años de experiencia
16 €/h
¡Primera clase gratis!
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  • Hace tiempo que no se conecta
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Anna Shay Wasden
Anna Shay Wasden Pamplona - Iruña (Navarra)
16 €/h¡La primera clase gratis!
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