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Clases de Inglés

en Barcelona Capital (Barcelona)

Teacher of Adult/Business English

Para alumnos de:

Adultos, Empresas


Medio, Alto


6 €/h

I qualified as a CELTA teacher at International House, Barcelona in 2014. I have been teaching with several different agencies but most of my work has been with Crockley Communication for the last 6 years, which has a contract with Applus in Bellaterra where I teach over 20 hours a week. Applus is an international company of approximately 825 people, specialising in quality and testing systems. I teach both Tripartita group classes and one to one business classes. My 30+ years of experience as a business manager in Ireland gives me great insight into teaching Business English. I was born and raised in the USA and lived the majority of my life in Ireland, giving me the insight into the two different dialects of English and leaving me with a mid-Atlantic accent.
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