Perfil de Belén Calvo

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Sobre mi

JUST on-line! Please, for other timetable, contact me!
I was born in Madrid and I lived almost all my life in there. I've been many years teaching. All levels. I speak english (C1), some russian (A2) and italian. My students pass EOI or Instituto Cervantes exams in a hundred percent success rate.

I usually spend a little time explainig some new structure or issue (depending of the level), and th...
JUST on-line! Please, for other timetable, contact me!
I was born in Madrid and I lived almost all my life in there. I've been many years teaching. All levels. I speak english (C1), some russian (A2) and italian. My students pass EOI or Instituto Cervantes exams in a hundred percent success rate.

I usually spend a little time explainig some new structure or issue (depending of the level), and the rest of the class we talk, practice, till be sure you integrate the information and conect it with the old one you had. Depends of the level, but I usually adaptate the class dinamic to the caracteristics of the students and their goals. It is not the same, just learn to talk, than teach as well to prepare and exam. So, we have to chat and find what you want and need.

I have a degree in humanities, and a master degree in performing arts. I have been teaching other topics; but in England I had to teach spanish as well, as part of my job; so I loved it and prepared for it. Now, I live in the mediterranean coast, and in the last years I have been teaching all levels of spanish language, the lowers in english, at the begining, and all in spanish from A2/B1 levels and ahead. 100% of the students that made any exam (I.Cervantes or EOI), have passed them. So, I have experience preparing for them properly. I am studing russian and italian, so i can explain spanish linking with the english/russian/italian grammar, depending of you native language.

Precio de la hora privada 22€ One to one lessons 22€/hour: Paying 10 hours at once: 210€
Group lessons 130€/10 hours. Maximum 4 students

Big goups, enterprises or schools: please contact me ...

clases belen calvo protonmail dot com

Telegram: @clasesbelencalvo

website: learnspanishinenglish dot com

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Clases de Español para extranjeros APRENDE ESPAÑOL RÁPIDO Y BIEN Torrevieja
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Valoraciones de mis estudiantes

17 valoraciones
Octubre de 2024
¡Belén es una profesora de español fantástica! Sus clases siempre son interesantes y bien estructuradas, y se adapta perfectamente al nivel y las necesidades. Es muy paciente, comprensiva y explica de manera clara. La recomiendo a todos los que quieran aprender español.
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Boukje Hoogland
Diciembre de 2021
Een hele vriendelijke en geduldige lerares die de tijd neemt voor je om jou de taal goed te leren. Ik kom snel terecht voor privé les en is erg begripvol en geduldig! Leuke en fijne lerares! Zeker een aanrader als je Spaans wilt leren! ????????
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Octubre de 2021
Disfruto mucho de mis clases particulares con Belén. Ella explica el idioma de una manera muy fácil para que yo pueda mejorar mis habilidades. Desde que comencé mis clases he progresado mucho gracias a ella.
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