Ferney Castaño

Ferney Castaño

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I am Ferney Castaño, currently a student of Geological Engineering at the Areandina University Foundation, where I have acquired a solid academic background in this discipline. However, my profile extends beyond geology; I have a certification as a Data Scientist, with a specialized focus on the use of tools such as Python and R for data analysis. This certification has provided me with advanced skills in data manipulation, visualization, and modeling, which is a valuable asset for tackling mathematical and programming-related questions.

Throughout my academic journey, I have demonstrated excellence in most subjects in my career, especially in areas linked to mathematics. My passion for numbers has driven me to excel in problem-solving and teaching mathematical concepts to other students. I have nearly four years of experience teaching face-to-face classes, both to my fellow students and to external students. My pedagogical approach focuses on clarity and deep understanding of topics, and I use resources such as presentations, online multimedia, and specialized literature to achieve this.

My knowledge spans several areas, including programming, where I have gained experience in several languages, allowing me not only to master them but also to effectively teach the best strategies for learning them. Likewise, my skills in mathematics allow me to address fundamental concepts to differential equations and more advanced topics, adapting my teaching to the level of each student. As for physics, I consider it an exciting field that I enjoy both studying and teaching, and I can provide support from basic concepts to intermediate college level.

In addition, I wish to emphasize that I am willing to offer personalized classes in other subjects according to the specific needs of each student. My main goal is to share my knowledge with people from different cultures and perspectives, thus contributing to their academic and professional development. Although I do not have official qualifications as a teacher or programmer, my rates are highly competitive compared to other instructors, allowing access to quality education at an affordable price.

I am excited for the opportunity to help you achieve your academic goals and share with you my passion for science and mathematics. Feel free to contact me to discuss your needs and how I can contribute to your learning. I look forward to the opportunity to work together in the future.
Ofrece clases particulares a
  • Adolescentes, adultos
  • Empresas, autónomos y profesionales (in company)
Cómo da las clases Ferney Castaño
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Habla estos idiomas
  • Español
  • Inglés
Formación: títulos, cursos y certificaciones
  • Grado:

    Geological Engineering

  • Certificado:

    Data Scientist Professional

  • Certificado:

    R programmer

  • Certificado:

    Python programmer

  • Certificado:

    Full stack web and mobile developer (MERN and React Native)

  • Disponibilidad horaria
    Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Domingo

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Ferney Castaño
Ferney Castaño
20 Años·Profesor con 3 años de experiencia
desde 15 €/h
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