James Nyaga

Blog de James Nyaga

James Nyaga

3 artículos publicados


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Cambridge Exams & other English test preparations

Cambridge Exams & other English test preparations   Concerning test preparations, Bachman (1990, p.114) argues that there may be variation in test-takers preparing for a specific test. Henceforth, the study draws from this hypothesis in the exploration of how candidates in the Spanish context prepare for the Cambridge test and the challenges encountered during the process of test-taking preparation. The study considers two types of test...


Which are the difficulties in learning English for the Spanish-speakers?

{{contentTable}} {{difficulties:Some of the difficulties encountered by the Spanish-speaking}} Some of the difficulties encountered by the Spanish-speaking English learners From the pedagogical point of view, question formation in the English language poses a great challenge to Spanish speakers. Linguistically, this could be attributed to the first language (L1) grammar in the learner’s head, Spanish grammar in this case, which is totally differ...


How to teach a language properly? My experience

Experience I was born in Kenya (1976) and then I went to Italy (2004) to study and work, and shortly after I ended up in Spain (2008), for the same reason, where I live and work till today. As a Kenyan born I am fluent in both Kiswahili and English, the two official languages in Kenya, and for the second languages, I am equally fluent in Italian and Spanish as well. I would like to cite my experience in learning Italian back in Kenya (1999-2003)...


Should we use RP as a model to teach pronunciation?

How can we teach english pronunciation to the students? I think the answer to this question is somehow relative for it can neither be white nor black. If someone decides to learn a L2, English in that case, it is because they have some motives behind it. One of the possible reasons could be for communication purposes both with natives or non-natives. {{btn_become_tutor}} That means the learner wants to understand when either natives or non-nativ...

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