James T

Opiniones de James T

James T



13 recomendaciones

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Wang Sitong

James and I met in the online pre-sessional courses of University of Edinburgh. This is an academic class for someone who prepared for postgraduate education. My major is general law. Actually at the beginning of the class, I felt very stressed and hard and cannot follow. James encouraged me a lot. He said I need some time to adapt and I just need to try my best. His kind words really comforted me. I can gradually complete the work by myself, very effectively. In academic teaching, he is also very patient. He gave us a lot of knowledge of law and asked our questions. After courses, he is very humorous. What gave me a deep impression is that we played the kahoot game which needed us to answer some legal questions. It helped me to remember much knowledge and have fun at the same time. And another important thing is that he helped me to pass the exam!! Let me have chance to study in my dream university. Any other things I want to share! James is a very brilliant and nice teacher!

Yunyuan Yao

James and I met at Edinburgh University and studied legal English. My English goal is to complete my master's course. James lectures are very humorous, interesting and responsible, and the classroom interaction is very harmonious.

LI Chun

James is a really nice tutor. He is sooo nice and patient to students. What's more, you will feel relaxed and free to speak and express you own ideas while taking classes.

Xueyi You

James is my tutor in the pre-sessional English course of Edinburgh. He teaches me academic English and legal English especially, including academic writing, case report and so on. Honestly, I learn a lot from him and I really think James is such a responsible, nice and excellent tutor. I feel lucky to have his company in my study.

Rongwei Ao

I met James in Edinburgh online courses this summer. James is a very professional teacher. He has very professional teaching skills,and he is very warm-hearted, patient, careful and efficient. I ask him so many questions and everytime,he can respond to me very quickly and understand my question accurately. After finishing his class,I think James is one of the best tutors I’ve ever met and I learn so much from him!So don't hesitate to join his class and enjoy the class!He deserves that!


Veryyyyyyyyy gooooood

Mame Diara

James es un profesor 4.0. Sus clases son totalmente innovadoras y se aprende un inglés real. Gracias al dinamismo de las clases, la cantidad de información que se recibe se queda grabada. Está especializado en inglés médico y de derecho pero supo adaptar las clases a mi nivel y objetivos más encaminados a un inglés de negocios. Sin duda alguna, acudiré a él para la preparación del examen de IELTS porque sé que con él lo superaré, como bien han hecho compañeros y compañeras.

Amber Yuan

I’ve met James T in the University of Edinburgh course online. He is a teacher of academic legal English course. James is a great teacher who gives useful guidance patiently and his teaching style is also relaxed. At first I felt too diffident about my spoken English to express my opinions, but I gradually became confident under his kind and concise guidance. I think the course of James is suitable for LLM students like me whose first language is not English as James would not only teaches the knowledge of legal English but also facilitate students to find their own answers to improve critical thinking skills which are important learning skills for the LLM.

Jingting Zhang

James and I met each other in the legal English course in University of Edinburgh where James was the tutor of this class. This course lasts 4 weeks, aimed at preparing for entering into Master Degrees in Law for law students. I have to say that James is the most responsible, thoughtful and positive tutor I've ever met !!! Every student in our class spoke highly of his teaching!! The course took place online this year, and James organized this online course very well. We have substantial legal materials to read, challenging assignments to finish almost every day. On each day's synchronous class and online seminars, James could lead us to effective and in-depth discussions: think critically, identify problems, and put forward legal advice. During this course, James was being very patient to answer every questions that we had, he was always there to issuing guidance and providing help for students. We all have great admiration for his kindness, patience and dedication!!

Jindou Jiang

I am an incoming postgraduate students in university of Edinburg, programmed in LLM. James has been the English teacher for me on the University of Edinburgh precessional English course online. The course contains the mechanism in academic English and legal English. I have made great progress under the guidance of James! He is highly qualified English teacher for he is always enthusiastic about solve your confusions in different ways and logic, he will give you precise feedbacks and recommend selfstudy links, he uses creative ways to make students fully engage in the class. What is more, he is a role modal for us because we can see himself trying to improve by taking note and asking questions in the lectures. James is such a easy going guy, after class you can discuss any random things with him, very fun and interesting person!! Everybody in our class loves him!!

Shujie Du

I met James during the EAP (English for Academic Purposes) course of the University of Edinburgh. James’s my tutor of phase two. I had live sessions with James every day and he taught me how to write academic essays, how to summarize lectures and how to do group presentations, etc. I also needed to submit assignments and the all the feedbacks from James were detailed and very helpful. Having classes with James will never let you down because he’s really good at cheering everybody up with all kinds of activities and interactions and getting people fully involved in class. He’s also a very reliable and responsible person out of class, always trying his best to help his students.


Tuve a James como profesor de inglés durante 2 años (2018 y 2019). Un gran profesional. A diferencia de otros profesores que he tenido, a James se nota que le gusta su trabajo. Clases muy entretenidas y eficientes. Sin duda alguna lo recomiendo totalmente.

Laura Balmes

James es genial! Necesitaba sacarme el First Certificate y tenía poco tiempo para preparlo pero gracias a la experiencia y planificacion de James lo conseguí. Tengo que decir que tenía muchos malos habitos difíciles de corregir pero James supo como hacerlo! Estoy muy contenta de los resultados!!! Además de buen profesor, es una bellísima persona. Tomé clases particulares y disfruté un montón hablando con él de temas muy diversos. Eso hizo que estudiar en mi único día libre no fuera una 'pesadilla' sinó un buen rato donde además aprendía. A día de hoy, tengo un buen nivel y él se ha convertido en un buen amigo.

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James T

James T
36 Años·Profesor con más de 10 años de experiencia
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James T colabora con TusClases Solidarias
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