Jared R. Reimer

Jared R. Reimer

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Creo lecciones integrales con lectura, escritura, habla y escucha. Creo que la conversación es una poderosa herramienta de aprendizaje y las lecciones deben ser divertidas.
Cuando di clases en línea en Taiwán, fue muy gratificante cuando los estudiantes se reían, sonreían y competían en lecciones que eran juegos.
Creo que participar en múltiples formas de aprendizaje permite a las personas comprender mejor.

Lessons will be in English, the degree obviously varying with the student's level. I prefer small class sizes of individuals because it allows the teacher to give more attention to each and every student. I follow the PPP format of teaching (Presentation, practice and production). First showing and explaining how to use a word, having the student practice it in a structured format, and finally within a framework having the student create something of their own using the new skills they have acquired during the lesson.
These could be word searches that other students have to find, little plays using the vocabulary, poems or short stories that other students have to read aloud etc. The real point is to have a student, after learning how to use the skill, use it in a way that allows them to strengthen their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

In this fashion my students can learn new skills and vocabulary, while strengthening the real world applications of what their learning.
The strongest thing I can provide within the classroom is accent guidance. As a Native speaker from a family of people within the educational sphere specifically regarding speech development, I can teach learners to adopt a more native sounding accent.
Ofrece clases particulares a
  • Estudiantes de primaria, ESO, adultos
Cómo da las clases Jared R. Reimer
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)

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Jared R. Reimer
Jared R. Reimer
28 Años·Profesor con 1 año de experiencia
desde 12 €/h
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