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Clases de Inglés

en Málaga Capital (Málaga)

Inglés, Español para extranjeros y castellano

Para alumnos de:

Todos los niveles


Todos los niveles


20 €/h Primera clase gratis

As a language teacher, I have successfully empowered students to effectively communicate in both English and Spanish, leading to significant advancements in their language proficiency. By customising instruction to meet individual needs, I create an engaging and supportive learning environment. I employ innovative teaching approaches to inspire student motivation and cultivate a strong connection with the subject matter.

Fluency in English and native proficiency in Spanish enable me to facilitate bilingual proficiency among students, fostering confident communication and a deeper understanding of different cultures. I am dedicated to ongoing professional development and stay up to date with the latest research and best practices in education, ensuring that my teaching methods are evidence-based and effective.
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