Marina Lekkerkerker

Marina Lekkerkerker
She He It don't...
Clases de Inglés
No, it's not correct. It's street language.
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Is it correct to lunch?
Clases de Inglés
To lunch is colloquial English. So it's not wrong in speaking, but 'to have lunch' is better and in (formal or exam) writing the correct one. Most importantly work on English pronunciation! Spanish people tend to pronounce the L + vowel wrong (with a very nasal sound). English pronunciation is difficult anyway for many (Spanish) people, including teachers!
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If I were/was...
Clases de Inglés
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Is it correct to lunch?
Judit | Clases de Inglés
To lunch is colloquial English. So it's not wrong in speaking, but 'to have lunch' is better and in (formal or exam) writing the correct one. Most importantly work on English pronunciation! Spanish people tend to pronounce the L + vowel wrong (with a very nasal sound). English pronunciation is difficult anyway for many (Spanish) people, including teachers!
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If I were/was...
Judit | Clases de Inglés
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Marina Lekkerkerker

Marina Lekkerkerker
52 Años·Profesora con más de 5 años de experiencia
15 €/h
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Marina Lekkerkerker
Marina Lekkerkerker (10) Chulilla (Valencia)
15 €/h
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