
Opiniones de Marta




40 recomendaciones

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I had five weeks of intensive (2 hours/day) study travel with Marta. I was lucky to find her. I can do nothing but recommend her. Especially if your goal is to integrate into the country and/or learn the language also from the perspective of "what it actually is on the street". She is there for you.


Marta is the best teacher in the world!!! Seriously! She combines all the qualities of an ideal educator- she is organized, patient, knowledgeable, humorous, and caring. Everything that a kid needs to feel safe and comfortable to learn. I can’t recommend her enough. My family was staying in Malaga for a month and we scheduled classes with Marta not much in advance. She was very flexible and accommodating if we needed to adjust time and day of the class. If I could I would take her with us back home and give her a hundred stars. She is that good! We miss her everyday! You will be lucky to have her as your teacher.


Martha está muy atenta y responde con precisión y entusiasmo a las preguntas. Nuestro ritmo de aprendizaje fue respetado. Una gran experiencia y conocimientos muy útiles. ¡Gracias Martha!

Julia Hockey

Muy amable y muy profesional.


Profesional, innovador, gran competencia y mucho energía y alegría es mí breve comentario de las clases de Marta. Es una profesora estupenda!


Las clases con Marta eran un placer. Ella sabe explicar muy bien, adapta temas, vocabulario y gramática a nivel e interés. Es una super-profe y una persona encantadora.


Fare lezione con Marta è stato un piacere: oltre ad essere estremamente preparata e professionale è molto simpatica e alla mano, quindi le classi non sono mai noiose. Inoltre, intende alla perfezione l'alunno che ha davanti e adatta le lezioni alle sue esigenze. Personalmente, ho preso lezioni per prepararmi all'esame DELE livello B2 e non ho dubbi nel consigliarla a chiunque voglia imparare e/o migliorare lo spagnolo. Dar clases con Marta ha sido un placer: además de ser extremadamente competente y profesional, es muy simpática y amable, así que las clases nunca son aburridas. Además, entiende a la perfección al alumno y adapta las clases a sus necesidades. Personalmente, he dado clases con ella para prepararme al examen DELE de nivel B2, y no dudaría en recomendarla a quien quiera aprender y/o mejorar el español.


My wife and I took Spanish classes with Marta in summer 2018. Marta is a great Spanish instructor. She is patient, pleasant, experienced and knowledgeable. We enjoyed her organization and style. She tailored every class to meet our needs. She quickly adapted to the level to meet our understanding while at the same time maintaining full focus to learn as much as possible. Marta keeps her lessons effective, engaging and fun. Highly recommended.

Dimitar Dobrew

Marta unterrichtet Spanisch mit Begeisterung und Fachkenntnis.Sie erklärt die spanische Grammatik sehr verständlich und einprägsam. Es macht einfach Spaß an ihrem Unterricht teilzunehmen und ich kann sie wärmstens weiter empfehlen! Dimitar

Joergen Hansen

He disfrutado mucho y voy a disfrutar en el futuro las clases con Marta. Ella es un as en su campo. Tiene también un importante sentido de humor. Un diez!


Marta es una profesora muy amable, paciente y profesional, que me ha ensenado mucho.


Me considero afortunado de habertenido Marta como Prefesora


Marta es una profesora fantástica ! La recomiendo seguro porque la mi experiencia fue super buena con muy clara en la explicación tiene mucha paciencia y las clases son muy divertidas!

David Law

Marta has sido mi profesora durante los dos ultimas anos cuando estaba pasando el invierno en Malaga. Es une muy buena profesora. Tiene buena metodología, sabe la gramática y como explicarlo, esta interesada en temas diversas y pueda hablar de ellos, y es una persona de confianza. Puedo recomendarla sin vacilación.


Great Spanish teacher who puts up with my faulty memory(subjonctivo, te odio) and by busy schedule...

Massimo Sanfelici

I was living in Malaga for 2 years, I went to different language schools but I was looking for a private professor who was able to give me a real development method, having fun during the classes but improving my Spanish quickly. A friend of mine suggested me to have a class with Marta and I got my goal, she is the best Spanish teacher that I have ever met, I really recommend her :)


I like the way she teaches. All classes are interactive, fun and easy to understand. Great professor for sure.


Marta taught me privately two or three times a week for a few months as I prepared for a C1 exam in Spanish. She is very knowledgable, and any unusual Spanish questions you have (I worked her hard with lots of specific vocabulary questions), she will find out by the next lesson! She also has worksheets for all levels. Very friendly and positive, I would definitely recommend her (and in fact, I have! My friend goes to her now).


Marta is an amazing teacher. I am going to her classes since October 2016 and I can see a huge improvement in my Spanish language. Now I am using Spanish not just when I am out and about on the street but also at work while talking with my colleagues and even clients. Marta is always able to adapt the classes in the way you want and feel is the best for you. She is very good in explaining and making sure that you understand the material completely. I would strongly recommend Marta!

Milan Balaban

Todo perfecto. Puedes aprender mucho, muy rapido y hablar sobre todo lo que quieres. Gracias Marta!

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Profesora con más de 10 años de experiencia
25 €/h
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Marta (40) Málaga Capital (Málaga)
25 €/h
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